Things are not as they seem

We live in a holographic universe, because of my profession as a psychic and energy healer I receive proof of this every day. My partner (who is used to living with me in my strange world) not only sees a little of what I see but believes me because of the little miracles that happen around here everyday. A wise healer/teacher told me that when I began to work as an energy healer I would understand the events that happened when I was a younger, these events were paranormal in nature that I buried due to childhood trauma. Because we live in a world where we are surrounded by trauma and chaos we block out the little miracles and synchronicities that happen all the time, or minimize phenomena with our logic brain and put it down to coincidence.

However these events that happen illustrate that we are all energetically connected and at this important time in Earth’s history it is time to join together in love and compassion for one and other and heal together collectively and individually.

The reason I brought up my healing journey and my childhood is when the energy of healing began to flow through me from Creator I began to see myself better, my mind was given the gift of emotional distance so I could understand events that previously terrified me was the spirit world trying to reach out and educate me. Sometimes the other side got so desperate to get my attention it had to scream. Not all of us have psychic gifts but we are all born with the ability to connect to God and our goodness deep inside which heals us all, whereby we can aid planet Earth and all her beings in their healing too.

Our prayers and thoughts reach out into this holographic universe and resonate, I have psychic heard this space also known as the mental field of energy. I communicate with beings who exist in other dimensions and energy fields so I know to the depth of my being that these spaces and places exist as well. In the branch of science called Nuclear physics and Particle physics tiny particles are studied, they have funny names like quarks and are smaller than an atom. They race around; disappear and reappear in a totally different places, the scientists don’t know exactly where they go but some scientists believe this proves the existence of other dimensions. Beings appear and disappear into thin air, I have the gift of seeing and sensing them; not just in nature but all kinds of places like in the subway underground or city streets; these are not always ghosts but residents of the many layered and mysterious spirit world.

So be careful of your thoughts and what you say because it is being recorded and I don’t mean always by humans who might be spying on you but the greater powers that be.   Have you noticed sometimes when something becomes a trend in our human experience its teaching us of a greater truth in the great beyond, what is the internet anyway but a clumsy tool of what we already do naturally but have forgotten is in our true nature, telepathic communication. Since your already transmitting anyway, why not put out positive prayers and intentions to help in the healing and helping of us all, bringing us together in love.

© Lorraine Hughes 2018

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