Rebirth and the Art of Transformation

rebirthroseYou cannot tell a rose when to bloom.

Whether we remember it or not, our birth was a difficult process for us. For before our birth and while we were in our mother’s womb; our consciousness, the ‘us’ we identify with, was safely wrapped up in our ancestral womb, we were ‘home’ with God or Creator, the Universal life force, how ever you see that energy. When we are “birthed” into this dimension we are taken from that nurturing environment, to which someday we will return after our soul’s journey of learning here on this spaceship we call “Earth”.  We came here to learn or heal, I consider these two concepts to be one and the same.

Often when we are growing spiritually or healing our mind, body, emotions or spirit we are surprised how painful it might be or may shy away from the pain. It is our darkest moments when we are healing ourselves the most and very closely interacting with our soul’s purpose, our divinity. Not only to do we grapple with our unconscious material (whatever it may be we have stowed away in our proverbial closet), but we are here to reach great heights and develop our highest potential.

It is for this reason why, if you are here to heal your soul and learn its not going to always be a fun, up or easy time.  Healing is actually the disintegration of the ego and the illusion that we are all separated in our own little compartments.  We are all connected to each other, and that is becoming increasing apparent as time moves us forward. The earth is going through a great cleansing, a great evolution. Since we are all connected to each other, the Earth and all the beings upon it we are going through this cleansing and transformation ourselves. The Earth is re-birthing herself; and birth is a difficult process, its messy, arduous and hard to control.

A wise healer said to me, the road to peace is a difficult one. It gets easier the longer you are on it but its fraught with diversions, monsters and impasses. The funny thing about it is its all coming from inside you so really blaming others when confronted with something that’s not going your way is futile because the finger is pointing right back at you.

Any kind of pursuit of money or accumulation of material wealth at this time will take you further from your own healing process, if you increase, disperse the wealth; and you will always grow! The way ahead will clarify itself and be less foggy and unclear. Healing and growth is a process and as we are all timeless and limitless beings, we are each individually in a different state of development; no one is any greater or less than another. Therefore we should embrace each other as fellow students, no matter how much someone may not understand you or have hurt you with their unconsciousness. Look for the fellow traveler who may be sympathetic to your cause.

Even myself, with all that I know, with all that I see and hear; alas I am full of warts and barnacles just like you. I have my own confusion, quandaries and inner chaos to overcome. Just as many, many people do. That is why I try to practice daily mindfulness; in order to gently take care as much of this as I can. One day at a time.

Transformation is the breaking down of all we hold true here in this material dimension, especially if we are looking for more wealth or for life to get easier.  The only way to peace is to realize God is within us and we are to express God’s love and forgiveness in all ways and toward all life. Even mosquitoes have a purpose here on this spaceship called Earth.

© Lorraine Hughes 2016


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