Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto is Us

ocean1Your probably reading the title of this post and thinking, no way, that is not me!!!  But I am here to say, yes it is you.

I’ve been watching the downward spiral of Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s career since the crack pipe debacle last summer (FYI – here is an article explaining such; ), and one thing is for certain he exhibits the classic behaviors of an addict; one behavior most specifically, the response of “denial”.  Deny, deny, then deny again and when you have something your trying to gain or people your trying to manipulate, then admit your guilt!

The classic behavior of an addict;  we want what we want and we don’t want anything to get between us and our chosen poison.  The drug, the lifestyle, the material goods, the SUV car, the food, the electronic devices, the sex, the power, the greed, even the false peace of mind, the list goes on…  We want to fill that craving and we don’t care what gets in the way or what harm our addictions may cause.

I have been reading lately about how the brain is wired to create electronic pathways to enable us to think quicker; its part of the way we learn and it is fundamental in how we form habits. In the darker sense its how addictions are created, why we stay there; and why we relapse when we are trying to kick our habit or addictions.  The road to self ruin really is a road inside our brains.  If we are engaged in something habit forming even in the very early stages of that habit our brain is wired to help us continue and keep the habit going.  It is difficult and painful to rewire our brains because there is a concentrated emotional slag heap in our unconscious that keeps the addiction going.  It hurts to take your head out of the sand and say hey, somethings just not right here.

Here is my point and I do have one.  I believe humanity as a whole is in a cycle of addictive behavior, and we are in great denial (at our own peril) about how serious the end result of our addiction is because we want to be comfortable and not give up our goodies.

We are in a cycle of planetary energy according to Astrologers where Neptune (the planet of illusion, spirituality and creativity) is transiting through Pisces; it will remain there until 2025.  Many spiritual people the world over today and from the past heralded this epoch as a time when humanity would reach great spiritual heights, love, world peace, etc.  Transiting planets, energy shifts; all have a dark side and a light side of manifestation.  The astrologer and author Stephen Forest spoke at a conference I watched on YouTube describing this time as it was approaching; he believed the opposite would be true, that world-wide we would be seeing people succumbing to addictive lifestyles on an even grander scale than ever seen before.  One of the messages that I have received from spirit over the past two years repeatedly is that humanity is nowhere near where we are supposed to be spiritually to absorb and learn from this new energy on planet Earth.

With all this kafuffal about the Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack, the finger pointing, the embarrassment, the omg, the public lynching, (not that he shouldn’t be held responsible and accountable).  We cry, “Not me!”  “I don’t do that.”  What’s going on in our back yards or growing in the darkest basement of our repressed shadow, or gathering mold in our closets. How responsible and accountable are we about the mess we are leaving the planet in, for the generations after us.  Do we care?

Its interesting that Neptune rules the ocean. Our oceans are dying.  We originate from the ocean.  In October this year an article was published in the Guardian newspaper; in the article is an analysis of scientific findings regarding the acidification of our oceans; a process happening at an alarming rate leading to massive die offs of all ocean species in the next forty years or less… I quote, “The next mass extinction may have already begun.”

The article is grim in the extreme and I am sure its trying to paint a rosy picture in order not to create widespread panic; again, denial.  The only reason I can see that humanity as a species would sit back and allow this to happen (because the information is out there folks we all have known about this for a long time now) is we want to be in our world of comforts, and our brains are wired to get all this stuff to us as easily and quickly as possible. Denial is also a sign of mental illness.

Who is going to be held accountable for mass extinction in the oceans, its not going to be the corporations people, its us who allowed it to happen.  We are addicted to the goods that are produced by these companies and they know it.  What are you going to say to your maker (or your children) when you one day have to face him or her.  I didn’t do anything to make my planet a better place, I participated in the madness.

©  Lorraine Hughes 2013

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